An attendee at a council training course for council house tenants has reported that a council official told him during the course that their aim is to shorten the housing waiting lists through seeking evictions.
This is not the only shock revelation to emerge from the training course. Attendees were reportedly told, amongst other things, that if a neighbour throws any rubbish in your garden, you may recieve a warning from the council and not your neighbour. The training facilitator is also reported to have told attendees that if a council official calls to your door, they have the right to enter and inspect your home without prior notice.
Tenants have already reported the threatening nature of the "demand" letter requesting tenants to attend the training course as well as council officials photographing residents back gardens without any notice. Non attendance at the training course, the letter stated, could result in a warning.
In a final insult to tenants, the facilitator reportedly asked all those in attendance to sign a document to confirm their attendance. On examination of the document it was discovered that it was fact a new tenancy agreement, giving the council powers that in effect are an insult to privacy, human dignity and respect.
People Before Profit Dundalk are looking into this matter on behalf of a number of residents and will keep the public posted on their progress.
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