Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Minutes of the Dundalk People Before Profit Meeting on the 27/10/2010

1. Second Protest agreed for Dermot Aherns for xxxxxxxxbetween 4 and 5pm. This will be a weekend day. The exact date cannot be released to ensure that the silent demonsatration is not prevetented from going ahead. The date will be communictaed on our facebook page and personal/political networks. As the last protest was completely silent and respectful to Dermot Ahern’s neighbours and family, we would like the same at this one, therefore we would like to manage protesters as well as possible. It is for this reason that we ask those attending to communicate with us first through facebook, by emailing, or calling 0877648832

2. Facebook was discussed and considered a success by the attendees. Some in attendance suggested that getting more people to actually show up at the public meetings should be a priority as over the last few meetings attendance was between ten and twenty.Some suggested that the time of the meeting might not be the best as some parents cannot attend. Another suggested that there will never be a perfect time. It was recognised by the chair that more people turn up at the protests than the meeting and that if the meetings and decisions were to be truly coming from the people affected on the ground, then more people would have to come and voice their opinion. It was agreed that the attendees would return with ideas at next weeks meeting.

3. It was agreed to try to get more details on the judges salaries e.g. was local judge Fran Brenann one of the judges who took a cut. It was suggested by an attendee that this information may not be released to the public. Another suggested that as the figures had been reported in a newspaper, we could contact the journalist as well as use FOI. It was agreed that TL would email the journalist and MF the FOI.

4. It was agreed to get more details on the town buget, a more itemized breakdown of the budget with a specific angle on contracts awarded to companies from outside of the state. It was suggested by MF that Frank Pentony (County Manager) had bee helpful thus far but that following the official trail using FOI facilties would be best. MF and FM to forward this project.

5. It was agreed that a draft letter about the local government cuts of at least one billion coming from central goverrnment. A number of attendees suggested that the letter also remark on the shrinkig and privatisation of local government, the need for spending on real needs and projects that create jobs locally. This was agreed by all and a draft of the letter will be presented at next weeks meeting for approval before being forwarded to the local media for consideration by the public.

6. Ghost housing estates in general were discussed as well as their cost to the local councils. It was commented that the people and therfore the goverment own many of these properties. It was agreed to research this issue more. – “mass squat country”, contact Journalist Shane Ross on the issue also.

7. Mark Dearey’s article in the leader regarding the Irish minimum wage. All attendees agreed that his comments and plans are an attack on the unemployed. A letter of response to be communicated through the local media was agreed upon. SM to draft letter for presentation at next weeks meeting.

8. Budget Day Protests 7th December - It was agreed, in the light of much interest from the public, that we would organise a bus so that local people can join in the mass peoples protest outside the Dail that evening. The bus will leave at 5.30pm. FM to organise transport and publicity.

9. National Council for the Blind – MF sated that they are difficult to work for e.g. pre paid holiday pay, this is not universal. It was agreed that MF could raise this as an issue from the group.

10. List of schools, 6 attendees said they would help conact the schools on the special needs assistance issue, but find out what school have been contacted so far.

11. Two attendees raised the issue of the merging of VEC’s into Super VEC’s and were very concerned about the impact on education and staff. The group agreed that the matter warranted further investigation. PC agreed to carry out research for next weeks meeting.

12. Next schuled meeting on the 03/11/2010. Redeemer family resource centre, 8pm.

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