Sunday, December 12, 2010

PBP Dundalk letter to town council re; tenant intimidation

To whom it may concern,
We write with concern regarding the experiences of a number of tenants who have reported to us on the “refresher tenancy training course” facilitated by your offices. Many residents feel that the approach your office has take is both threatening, abusive and in breach of their civil rights.

We were first approached by residents from seven different council properties six weeks ago. They reported to us that they had experienced your “inspectors” taking photographs of their front and back gardens. One resident even reported receiving a warning for a small spillage of solid fuel in her back garden. We were also shown a copy of the letter demanding (inviting would be a malapropism) their attendance at the aforementioned course. Having read the letter, we ourselves were shocked by its threatening tone and content.

An attendee at one of these training sessions has reported to us his experience of it and our initial surprise has been compounded. The tenant reported to us, amongst other things, that the facilitator had said openly that the council’s policy was to bring down the numbers on the housing waiting list through the eviction of existing tenants. It has also been reported to us that the facilitator informed attendees that evicted tenants would no longer have a place on the housing list nor would they be entitled to rent allowance.

The attendee also reported being told by the facilitator that from now on a council officials could call to a council house without prior notice and must get immediate access to all rooms in the property. Finally, the tenant in question reported that everyone attending the course on that particular session was asked to sign a document confirming their attendance at the training session. On closer inspection the tenant reported that he discovered the document to be effectively an agreement to changes in the tenancy agreement.

We in People Before Profit Dundalk have been asked by the tenants concerned to represent their concerns and inquiries to your office. We would ask that you respond to each and every incident reported above highlighting where practicable the rationale and legislative authority for your actions. We would appreciate a timely response so that we can firstly confirm the details of tenants stories and secondly to forward the issue.

We have sought advice from Amnesty International Ireland and Threshold regarding these reports and will forward their response when we receive them. If you would like to meet myself and the tenants (if they are comfortable and assured of their fair treatment) regarding the content of this correspondence, I can be contacted at 0877648832 or by replying to this email.

I am most appreciative that you have take the time out to read this email and look forward to your response and the timely settlement of the concerns raised,

Finbar Markey

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