More revelations have emerged regarding the questionable actions of unelected officials in Dundalk Town Council and in this case Dundalk Port Authority. A source close to People Before Profit Dundalk has revealed plans in motion by Dundalk Port Authority to sell off the lands surrounding the coast of Dundalk Bay. Dundalk Port is owned by the state, in other words me, you, your friends and relations. As we speak the Town Council have plans to have this land zoned for residential building, thereby increasing the financial value of the land. It is believed that the sale of the bay will come soon as a part of the sell off of state assetts to pay off the debts of gambling banker.
On the face of it some might think that increasing the value of the land before sale is a practical thing to do, but a number of considerations must be taken into account before coming to this conclusion. Firstly, it flies in the face of proper planning and common sense to sell off our coastline to build housing estates and the likes. Much of this land functions as flood run off without which there is not only a liklihood of estates built on the land flooding but also flooding further inland as rainwater cannot escape.
What is the purpose in unelected Dundalk Town Council officials proposing the land to be zoned for residential building? Where is the demand? Did the pen pusher that had the bright idea awaken one dark and stormy night to a vision of De valera telling him "Go forth and rezone"? There are already ghost housing estates dulling our once beautiful landscapes. Is there a need for more on a coastline that has the potential instead to attract activity and adventure tourists a plenty?
Something must also be said for the underhand manner in which this enterprise is being undertaken by the unelected officials of the town council. Planning legislation makes clear that zoning considerations must not take into account financial implications. It is clear that in the light of a lack of demand, the only reason that this land has been proposed for residential zoning is to make profit for the state to be used as repayment of bankers gambling debts.
For many thousands of years our forefathers have looked at, walked and sailed along our coastline here in Dundalk. It's warmth in summer and bleakness on a cold winters day has caused many of us to muse at life and seek calm in times of stress. Instead of considering it a thing to be treasured it may be used instead as a monopoly board square, for sale to profit bankers. Instead of it's potential to attract tourists it may soon be a pallett of monotonous box houses, all the same and probably empty.
People Before Profit and the Louth Environmental Group shall soon launch a campaign against the rezoning and sell off of Dundalk bay coastline. We shall keep you posted and will be asking for your assistance through emailing, letter writing and telephoning campaigns. We may even have to make the call for protest and hope that we can rely on your support. Together we are strong.
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