Saturday, February 26, 2011

URGENT!!! Please send this straight away, save Dundalks coastline from the bankers.

As you may be aware from our previous article, Dundalk Town council are presently considering zoning the coastlands of Dundalk port for residential building upon. This is being done to increase the value of the land before it is sold off to pay for bankers debts. This land belongs to the people of Dundalk and should not be abused in such a way, especially when considering the fact that the people of Dundalk will not benefit one penny and in fact will have their beautiful coastline destroyed forever. This coastline could instead gain us jobs if it was to be zoned in a way that encourages tourism.

There is less than a week to submit objections to the council. We have posted below a submission of objection that we ask you to cut and paste onto a blank word document. We ask that you sign your name and address to it. By doing so we may be able to stop the selling off of our coastline for the profit of private bankers. You can email the submission to or to and we will ensure that it gets to the council on time.

Submission in objection to Draft variation of Dundalk and environs development plan 2009-2015...

"From a careful perusal of the County Manager's "Draft variation to Dundalk and Environs development plan 2009-2015", i can find no evidence which underpins the rationale for his decision to recommend to the Members of our local planning authority (Dundalk Town Council) that it is desirable to, having regard exclusively to the proper planning and sustainable development of the town, designate the port and harbour area and Dundalk Quays for "phase (1) residential development".

I am convinced that from a walking, cycling and watersports tourism viewpoint, it would be overwhelmingly the position that this area at the Dundalk Quays should be zoned, in a downstream extension of the existing St Helena's park off cut, as "Recreational, amenity and open space" or "strategic leisure/tourism".

I would therefore submit that the members disregard this questionable recommendation by the manager, by having regard only to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in question and by designating this area , in exercise of this reserved function, as either "recreational amenity open space" or "Strategic leisure/tourism".



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